Soloing On

The Pandemic may (or may not) be receding, but it plus relocating to Oregon has been a challenge for keeping the band together.
So for the time being, I'm a solo artist.
Sidewalk Serenades
That has brought challenges as venues begin open. Not all want a solo singer/songwriter. And that's all I got right now.
So my first gigs "up north" have been city-wide events featuring dozens of musicians playing outside venues around town. First, "Make Music, Salem" in the capitol, where I got my hour set outside a restaurant and across the street from ANOTHER act. With Five Members. Drums, Bass. Lead Guitar. It was a new challenge. But a great event for the city, surely.
Silverton Sidewalk Shindig

Then, this month, a similar event in Silverton, east of Salem. This time I was on the sidewalk in front of a realty office. With a full band around the corner and another down the street. It was fun, of course, and great to be out performing. But I do long for a wine bar or some other, quieter, more intimate place.
A Flock of Seagulls?
A sign of my desperation, perhaps.? At a family wedding in September, I accosted a flock of about two dozen seagulls. No music was involved. I just wanted to see if I could still hold a crowd. And happily, more birds showed up and seemed at least content to listen to my ranting. It's a step.

Again in Venice Beach
Yes, I confess. This time, some hapless sandpipers couldn't escape. Or generously chose not to, I was encouraged,

Back to the Future
So help me out, will you? When I'm in a venue in your town. Come and listen for a few tunes. You don't need to be as quietly patient as the birds. But you don't need to bring your five-piece band, either.
Saturday Parade
Meanwhile, I've just uploaded a new recording from during the Pandemic Sessions (at home, that is). It's a reaction to the conspiracy theories so common these days and the danger they represent. "For today, he'll be a shooting star/One bright flash and then he's gone." Here's the link:
It rocks pretty well, I think. Enjoy!