"What Kinda Music Do You Play?"
What kinda music do you play?

Expanding Our Horizons, Musical and Geographical!
A New Year! And with it, some new venues and new audiences. Since the beginning of 2024, we’ve been exploring senior living facilities in...

On the Road Again!
September is starting out HOT! And I’m not talking about the weather. The calendar is loaded for the first week and a half of next month....

Stepping Out!
This, my first full summer in Salem, has given me a opportunity to play a number of gigs, both solo and with my wife as Domestic Harmony,...

My First Full Gig in Oregon
After months of making inquiries and checking out venues, I finally got two sets at a local restaurant bar in South Salem! Loud but...

Soloing On
The Pandemic may (or may not) be receding, but it plus relocating to Oregon has been a challenge for keeping the band together. So for...

The Beat Goes On
Greetings all! It's been a while. And much has happened in that time. COVID Of course, the pandemic. That put a lid on venues and live...

Farewell, My Friend
My songwriting partner for the last few years and starting back in 1968 was Steve Jubb.

A New Ballgame
I can't believe it's been more than a year since my last post. But that is explained by the kind of year 2018 was. In a word, "trying." I...

Hey! What's That Sound?
No, for what it's worth, we're not about to do the Buffalo Springfield tune. But we are proud to present the latest addition to the...